I am so fortunate to live so close to one of the worlds most amazing natural wonders, The Great Barrier Reef. One of the best ways to experience it is to travel on a high speed catamaran to the far outer reaches of the Australian continental shelf. Sunlover Cruises is one of a few operators that has a large pontoon permanently established at Arlington Reef with the added bonus of a glass bottom boat and a semi-submersible. A perfect option for those whom, unlike me, do not want to spend all their time in the water.

I am however a water baby and i find that the best way to start the day with a splash down the water slide! If you are not as daring you can always slide in elegantly into the water gracefully with the assistance of stairs, and a seated platform into the water.
For those that make the effort it is worth it, not just for the pretty fish and corals but the many friendly turtles that like to say hello.
At some point a break from your new little finned friends might be needed to regain some sustenance (lunch included) but with about 4 hours on the reef there is even time for an afternoon snorkel, fish feeding and a tour and explanation at the touch tank (huge hit wth kids!).

Thanks Sunlover for a brilliant day. It was turtley awesome!